Do you love quizzes? If so, you’ll love these 50+ fun general knowledge quiz questions for 2022! Whether you’re looking for quiz questions and answers for adults or fun trivia questions for kids, we’ve got you covered. So get ready to test your knowledge and have some fun!
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Quiz Questions
1.What is the capital of Louisiana? -Baton Rouge.
2.Copacabana Beach is located in which city? -Rio de Janeiro
3.Pyrophobia is the fear of what? -Fire
4.What is the capital of Argentina? -Buenos Aires
5.A podiatrist specialises in treating which part of the human body? -The feet
6.Which singer had a hit in the 1970s called ‘Maggie May’? -Rod Stewart
7.Emma Bunton is known as which Spice Girl? -Baby Spice
8.What is the name of the winged horse in Greek mythology? -Pegasus
9.What is the name of Donald Duck’s girlfriend? -Daisy Duck
10.‘The Beach’ starring Leonardo DiCaprio is set in which country? -Thailand
11.Who launched the Cultural Revolution in China? -Chairman Mao
12.Which is the only planet in our solar system not named after a Roman or Greek god? -Earth
13.In which sport is the Davis Cup contested? -Tennis
14.What is the name of the daughter in The Addams Family? -Wednesday Addams
15.Jacinda Ardern became the Prime Minister of which country in 2017? -New Zealand
16.Which magazine has a distinctive yellow border on the cover? -National Geographic
17.How many wisdom teeth does the average adult have? -Four
18.What type of rice is risotto usually made from? -Arborio
19.How many rings is the Olympic symbol made up of? -Five
20.Which British supermarket has a clothing range named ‘George’? -Asda
21.What is a young giraffe called? -A calf
22.Which mountain overlooks Cape Town in South Africa? -Table Mountain
23.Caledonia was the Roman name for which modern day country? -Scotland
24.What brand of beer does Homer Simpson drink? -Duff Beer
25.Rojo is the Spanish word for which colour? -Red
26.How many timezones are there in mainland USA? -Four; they are Eastern, Central, Mountain & Pacific.
27.What is the largest freshwater lake in the world by its area size? -Lake Superior
28.According to George Orwell, who is watching us? -Big Brother
29.Which sport takes place in a Velodrome? -Cycling
30.What is the currency of Poland? -Zloty
31.Trainspotting is a novel by which author? -Irvine Welsh
32.What is the main ingredient in guacamole? -Avocado
33.Which body sets the interest rates in the UK? -Bank of England
34.How many lives is a cat said to have? -Nine
35.Randall Flag, Jack Torrance and John Coffey are all characters created by which author? -Stephen King
36.Who founded the World Scouting Movement? -Robert Baden-Powell
37.In 2018, Scott Morrison was elected as the Prime Minister of which country? -Australia
38.What is a female elephant called? -Cow
39.Franz Josef Strauss Airport is located in which country? -Germany
40.Which religion is based on the spiritual teaching of Guru Nanak? -Sikhism
41.On what date is Bastille Day celebrated in France? -14th July
42.What was Meta Platforms Inc formerly known as? -Facebook
43.Which English city is known as the Steel City? -Sheffield
44.Which former British colony was given back to China in 1997? -Hong Kong
45.The logo for luxury car maker Porsche features which animal? -Horse
46.Which element is said to keep bones strong? -Calcium
47.What does CIA stand for? -Central Intelligence Agency
48.Suriname is located on which continent? -South America
49.In tennis, what piece of fruit is found at the top of the men’s Wimbledon trophy? -Pineapple
50.Haematology is the study of what? -The blood
51.Which US agency has the motto “For the benefit of all”? -NASA